An ultra-low voltage sixth-order low pass filter topology, suitable for sensing\nthe T-wave signal in an electrocardiogram (ECG), is presented in this paper. This is\nrealized using a cascade connection of second-order building blocks constructed from a\nsinh-domain two-integrator loop. The performance of the filter has been evaluated using the\nCadence Analog Design Environment and the design kit provided by the Austria Mikro\nSysteme (AMS) 0.35-?m CMOS process. The power consumption of filters was 7.21 nW,\nwhile a total harmonic distortion (THD) level of 4% was observed for an input signal of\n220 pA. The RMS value of the input referred noise was 0.43 pA, and the simulated value\nof the dynamic range (DR) was 51.1 dB. A comparison with already published\ncounterparts shows that the proposed topology offers the benefits of 0.5-V supply voltage\noperation and significantly improved power efficiency.